Thursday, October 25, 2007

Assignment 6, Annotation

Zhang, Yixin. Age, gender, and Internet attitudes among employees in the business world. Computers in Human Behavior 21(1), 1-10.

This s study was done to measure employees preferred of Internet attitudes and relationships of their attributes. The following null hypothesis were tested: (1) there are no statistically significant differences among education levels, gender, and age regarding Internet usefulness (2) there are no statistically significant differences among education levels, gender, and age regarding internet anxiety (3) there is no statistically significant predictive effect on Internet enjoyment, anxiety, and efficacy on Internet usefulness, and efficacy on Internet anxiety.
There were a total of 680 employees voluntary participated in this study from a telecommunication enterprise. The majority of the subjects were in the ages of 20-29 years of age. The survey instrument was based on an exiting Internet survey developed by Zhang, Dronet, and VanMetre (1999,2000). In previously studies, it assume that young people already knew about the Internet and the older people were resistant was incorrect. However, this study showed that the younger group of employees (under 20) felt that Internet was more useful than the rest of the age groups. Also, no statistically significant difference was found in terms of Internet subscale usefulness between male and female employees.

The study is appropriate because it studies the behavior and the customer needs in the business environment and its changes. This study like many others attempt to identify whether gender and age might affect the use of Internet and so far is relevant because it affects different issues in the work and school environments that needs to be point out. However this study can go even further to research that male use more internet than female which this study did not revealed.
In this study, it seen that younger and educated people were comfortable to use Internet and use it at all times more than older people. Although younger people were successful in using Internet, it does not reveal that younger people were more successful in their work task than older people who occasionally used Internet. This research studies more into the attitudes of people using Internet and not the affectivity in their work tasks.

Ivonne Tapia

1 comment:

Maria C. Pallares said...

hi ivonnie

I think your article points to issues that I didn't think would affect online learning. Great selection!